What Happens When You Click Upload Letter in Interfolio

Submit a Letter of Recommendation to Interfolio

When a letter of recommendation is requested from y'all, yous will receive an email notifying you of the request.

After receiving a request, yous can upload the letter directly to Interfolio, or, if your requester has provided yous with a certificate request form, you may choose to mail your letter to Interfolio.

When a letter is requested from you, a costless Dossier account is created for y'all. You don't have to use your Interfolio Dossier business relationship to upload letters of recommendation to Interfolio, simply we invite you to actuate your gratis account to help you lot organize, track, and store and send all of your recommendation and evaluation requests.

Annotation: Some organizations crave signatures on messages of recommendation, including letters submitted electronically. Please bank check to make sure your letter of the alphabet is signed if the requester has indicated that a signature is required. You tin can choose to sign and scan your letter, or use software to add together a digital signature earlier uploading information technology.

If your request comes from an individual follow these instructions:

1. Click "View Details" in the electronic mail notifying you of the request for a recommendation

 Click "View Details" in the email notifying you of the request for a recommendation

Request Details:

  1. Due Past: If the requester has set a due appointment for the request, information technology will appear here
  2. Recommendation Type: Indicates the purpose of the recommendation and type of letter needed
  3. Opportunity Description: If the recommendation is for a particular opportunity, a link or text description will appear hither
  4. Message: If the requester includes a bulletin with the asking, the text will appear here
  5. Documents: If documents are attached to the asking, click the document name to download information technology to your estimator

If applicable, you may see the following fields on the request page:

two. Click "Accept" or "Turn down"

You tin can choose to accept the asking and brainstorm the process of writing and submitting a letter, or you can turn down the request.

No affair which selection you select, you tin change your mind later.

Click "Accept" or "Decline"

3. Select file for upload

If you accept the asking for a recommendation, a link will announced at the lesser left of the page for you to submit your letter.

If you accept the request for a recommendation:

4. Upload your file and click "Submit"

Yous will see a confirmation screen, click to activate or sign in to your free Interfolio Dossier account

Y'all will see a confirmation bulletin afterward you submit your letter of the alphabet. You will also receive a confirmation email when your recommendation is successfully added to the requester's Dossier.

You do not take to utilise Interfolio'southward Dossier service to submit your letter, but a gratis account is created for you when a user requests a letter from you lot through our system. We invite you to sign in so you can rails your letter and use our other bully features for managing the messages you are requested to write.

You will receive a confirmation email when your recommendation is successfully added to the requester's Dossier

If you pass up the request for a recommendation:

The requester will exist informed of your conclusion when they check the condition of the request in their Dossier account.

Note that yous have the option to alter your mind. To get dorsum to this screen, click the link in the asking e-mail.

If you decline the request for a recommendation:

If your asking comes from a committee or institution:

You lot volition receive an email notifying you of the letter request:

1. Choose to take the request

You will exist taken to a page where you can submit the letter of the alphabet:

2. Click "Select File for Upload"

3. You can drag & drop the file with your response, or browse to upload it

4. Click "Submit Recommendation"

Your document will be sent to the appropriate committees for review. Click "Activate Now" to activate your free Dossier business relationship.

Activating your free account with Interfolio allows you to store and send confidential letters of recommendation for candidates to a range of academic opportunities, from grants to tenure reviews to faculty positions. Nosotros volition aid you lot keep runway of all your letter requests and submitted messages. For instance, you can track any previous history of alphabetic character requests that were sent to the electronic mail accost y'all used for the letter you just submitted.


Source: https://support.interfolio.com/m/29600/l/266335-submit-a-letter-of-recommendation-to-interfolio

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