Public Libraries Art Against War 400 Years Protest in Art

The actor Juliet Stevenson has made an 11th-hour plea to Conservative MPs voting on the regime's controversial immigration bill on Wednesday to "be brave and vote with your heart, not with your party membership card".

Stevenson has urged MPs who are bankroll the nationality and borders bill to instead dorsum Lords amendments in support of refugees.

However, on Wednesday night MPs backed plans to offshore asylum seekers and innovate a two-tier refugee organization. Eleven Conservatives voted against the government and backed giving asylum seekers the correct to piece of work including Father of the House Sir Peter Bottomley, William Wragg, vice-chair of the 1922 committee, Steve Bakery and former cabinet ministers Robert Buckland, David Davis and Andrew Mitchell.

Mariam Kemple Hardy, head of campaigns at Refugee Activity, said: "These plans will heap further misery on refugees and will do cipher to end Aqueduct crossings or pause up people-smuggling gangs.

"We need a refugee system that provides protection, not punishment. That means creating more routes for people to achieve condom in the UK and an effective and fast aviary organization built on compassion and justice."

The government now faces a 3rd defeat in the Lords next week before the neb returns once once more to the Commons

Before on Wednesday, Stevenson was one of a grouping of celebrities and refugees who boarded a boat on the Thames decorated with bluish and xanthous bunting in solidarity with Ukraine, orange hearts in support of refugees and a big blue and yellowish banner saying: "Vote to protect not punish refugees."

Refugees from Ukraine and other disharmonize zones were joined by celebrities including Stevenson, Robert Rinder, the model Lily Cole, writer Kathy Lette and comedian Deborah Frances-White.

The boat sailed effectually a stretch of the Thames that is overlooked by the Houses of Parliament in the hope of catching the eye of MPs and persuading them to not support the neb.

Juliet Stevenson with Dartsa and Orysia on the boat.
The gunkhole sailed around a stretch of the Thames disregarded by the Houses of Parliament. Photograph: Graeme Robertson/The Guardian

Stevenson, who is hosting a Ukrainian refugee named Dartsa and her six-year-old daughter, Orysia, both of whom joined her onboard, is a longstanding abet for refugee rights.

She said that while government was on a "downwardly trajectory" in terms of attitudes to refugees, the public was clearly headed in the opposite direction.

"The nationality and borders bill is the well-nigh savage piece of legislation to take ever gone through parliament," she said.

Stevenson, Dartsa and Orysia say the 2 families are getting forth well and have bonded with the family canis familiaris, Millie. Stevenson said doing something applied like hosting was helping with "processing the horror" of what was happening in Ukraine.

Dartsa said: "It was a great relief to come to the UK with my little daughter and know that we are safe from the terrible war in our country. Of course, it is not easy and I worry all the time for all those back home. But my family back at that place and I are so grateful to Juliet and her family for opening their door to the states. I can only hope that nobody has to experience what we are now, simply this welcome is a huge condolement at such an awful time."

Rinder, whose grandfather was a Holocaust survivor, said that protecting and welcoming refugees was "an absolutely fundamental part of British values".

"We need to have a humane, sensible and fair policy towards refugees," he said.

Wednesday's event was organised by Together With Refugees, a coalition of more than than 400 organisations across the country, who support refugees fleeing war and persecution. The coalition is calling for a better approach to supporting refugees that allows people to seek safety in the UK, no matter how they came hither and ensures people can live in dignity while they wait to find out if they will be granted asylum.

Together With Refugees had called on MPs to vote to take amendments to the bill, including scrapping the proposal to punish refugees who arrive in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland on a gunkhole beyond the Aqueduct or in the dorsum of a lorry.

MPs are also being urged to concur that the government must publish an annual target for the number of refugees it will resettle in the UK. Campaigners would want this target to be at least 10,000 refugees from around the world each year.


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